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Discussing Myths About Demolition Processes


Every field of expertise has its myths, but the misconceptions surrounding the demolition industry appear to be widespread and generally accepted. The truth is that the demolition sector is extremely safe and offers numerous advantages.

  • Myth #1: Demolition is perilous and chaotic

    Demolition work is meticulously calculated and orchestrated. We take safety extremely seriously and do not underestimate the risks associated with the work we conduct on a daily basis. Crews are required to have extensive knowledge and training in working at heights, in confined spaces, and with specialized machinery and hazardous substances.

  • Myth #2: Anyone can demolish a structure

    Demolition specialists are selected for their knowledge and precision. Demolition interior or exterior jobs can be massive in scale and involve many moving parts, such as working in operational buildings, hazardous abatement, controlled explosions, and other high-risk situations.

  • Myth #3: Demolition hurts the environment

    We also offer junk removals in order to recycle construction debris and get these materials to a place where they can be repurposed and sold, or used to make new materials. Reusing scrap materials reduces greenhouse gas emissions, conserves energy, and protects finite natural resources.

  • Myth #4: Demolition destroys historic structures.

    Demolition contractors are frequently employed to work on restoration projects that save and renovate old structures. Our thorough ability to undertake selective demolitions means that only certain elements of the building are demolished, while the remainder of the structure remains structurally sound.

WLF CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION simplifies your demolition needs in New Jersey. We have a solid safety record and are known for leaving job sites clean and tidy. We can also assist with permit applications and emergency response.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our construction in Pennsauken, New Jersey.

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